Author: CCC Founder Group
Date: 12:09:01 05/01/98
Now that the CCC is established and successful, the "Founding Fathers" job is complete, and it is time for the membership to elect three moderators to keep the CCC free from personal attacks, abusive language, and the like. To that end, we would like to open the floor to recommendations for the next group of three moderators who will be both diligent and responsive. With everyone's permission, we will take nominations and or volunteers for the job as moderator. Once we compile a list of people, we can put it to a vote of the entire membership. Ideally, we would like to complete this process by next Wednesday, May 6th. If you would like to volunteer to be a moderator or if you would like to nominate a moderator (in which case, please first verify that the person is interested in the position), please respond here on the message board. - The CCC Founder Group
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Current Computer Chess Club Forums at Talkchess. This site by Sean Mintz.