Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: The importance of opening books -- a simple experiment

Author: Tord Romstad

Date: 11:03:30 02/17/05

A couple of days ago, a well-known programmer and regular
poster here on the CCC claimed that a good opening book
was worth at least 700 Elo points.  I thought this number
looked completely outrageous, and decided to do a simple

I am the author of a basic and minimalistic UCI chess engine
called Glaurung.  Source code and executables for Mac OS X,
Linux and Windows can be found at the following URL:

Recently, I have played some test matches with Glaurung
against the strongest engine I have on my compter: Hiarcs
9.6.  Not surprisingly, all such matches end in crushing
victories for Hiarcs.  The last match I played ended
75-25 in Hiarcs' favor.

As a crude test of the "good book=700 Elo" claim, I have
now repeated the match with identical program versions
and conditions, except that Hiarcs was now playing without
an opening book.  Assuming that Hiarcs' book is worth 700
Elo, the expected result of this second match would be
something like 95-5 in _Glaurung's_ favor.

The actual result of the second match was very close to
the first match:  Hiarcs won by 72-28.

As far as I can see, this means that at least one of the
following must be true:

a) The statement "good book=700 Elo" is lightyears away
from the truth.

b) Hiarcs has an extremely bad opening book, and with a
half decent opening book it would be several hundred
rating points ahead of Shredder.


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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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