Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: I resign the Post as Moderator.

Author: Fernando Villegas

Date: 10:46:02 07/22/99

Due to severe and unsurpassable differences between me and Bruce Moreland
concerning the moderation issue, I publicaly announce my resignation to the
post. The reasons: when I was candidate to be moderator, I already stated -as I
already have done in several post- that i was not inclined to deletions, neither
to warn people because "off topic" posts. That has always seemed to me childish,
silly, narrow minded. I already gave my reasons to tolerate that kind of off
topic post, so I will not repeat here my ideas about that. Now I am myself
victim of a deletion because of a joke that Bruce consider is only worthy to be
in the wall of my bathroom. I do not know what kind of things Bruce has seen in
his or another walls, by probably he has not seen the joke i wrote here. It is
the kind of thing you can lesson in any table after dinner. Not the great thing.
For the same token, the sheer fact that Bruce was upset by that or he thought
somebody was going to be is something laughable for me, in the very fringe of
paronia. But nevertheless maybe he is right and almost all people here share his
point of view. I got the second higher number of votes in the election, but
maybe it was just a case of statistical error. Maybe it is me who is out of
place here, anyway. Maybe this is, like some british programmer warned me to be,
a place just for robots, not for human beings. Or in any case is like the robots
rule the site and the rest must comply or be deleted, warned and treated like
I have nothing againts Bruce as a person, surely he is a nice guy and a
respected professional in his area, but I do have something against some of his
ideas about how to moderate this site and clearly he feel the same about me. So
why I resign instead of him or a long disputation about this issue? Well,
because this things cares the less to me. I do not get a life reading, posting
or moderating here. Asd Ingo Althofer, the german mathematician saw with his
eyes when in my country and my home, I am not precisely a deprived man looking
for a place where to get a life. So I think this, my resignation,  is the best
things to all and as much there is a replacement for me, nothing will be
damaged, all the contrary.
I post this not because I want to begin a war or make a melodramatic sortie,
because I suppose I will stay reading and posting here from time to time if
Bruce graciously abide to that, but I do it just to warn you not to consider me
responsible of any actions taken in the goverment of this site from now on.

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