Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: WMCCC

Author: Thorsten Czub

Date: 15:09:35 09/25/97

Go up one level in this thread

>Yes, it absolutely is a problem.  It is difficult to figure out a way 

>to do this that is fair.  We have some programs that are commercial by 

>any definition, we have some programs that are amateur by any 

>definition, and in the middle is a gigantic gray area.  And eventually 

>a line will be drawn, and someone who is just slightly more 

>"professional" than someone else will be labelled professional while 

>the other guy is labelled amateur.




My main point is:


Is ICCA for organizing championships and make them attractive, is it 
offering a service to its paying members ?

 If so:

 Why isn't it helping Marty to participate when a championship without 
Mchess would be less interesting.


In the moment there is a question if Goliath (Mr.Borgstaedt) and 
Heureka (Mr.Fischer) are participating with 2 different programs, or 
maybe they have quite similar programs and have a double-entry.


If so, the question is: is it senseful to exchange Heureka with 

 Does anybody remember the programs or programmers from JAKARTA ? 

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