Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: What is

Author: Dirk Frickenschmidt

Date: 08:14:41 10/04/97

Go up one level in this thread

On October 04, 1997 at 09:14:23, Amir Ban wrote:

>On October 03, 1997 at 15:30:33, Dirk Frickenschmidt wrote:
>>For example I still have not seen any game score of the funny junior
>>games played against micros, and the way we had to bulid theories about
>>their hardware advantage in this match was simply ridiculous.
>Please lay-off using the term "junior" for what IBM call DB-Jr. I hope
>at least the readers of this newsgroup agree that there is precedence to
>that name. If you are curious, then yes, we did ask IBM not to use that

Sorry Amir,

I simply didn't think of the fact that you have the origninal "junior"
and just adopted the naming of their statements.

I will call the IBM program "giant baby" next time ;-)

Kind regards from Dirk

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