Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: CCC-I test set

Author: Ed Schröder

Date: 15:13:48 10/05/97

Go up one level in this thread

>Posted by Thorsten Czub on October 05, 1997 at 17:45:34:

>In Reply to: Re: CCC-I test set posted by Ed Schröder on October 04, 1997 at

>>Results for Rebel9 PII/266

>>bm Rxe6;       2:09
>>bm Bxg7;       0:18
>>bm Ng4!;       0:42
>>bm Nxf7;       1:07
>>bm Rc3!!;      not found
>>am Qxh6??;     not found
>>bm Rh3+ M15;   0:44
>>bm Bd4+ M15;   not found
>>bm Rxh7 M16;   0:48 (Rebel9 says Mate in 16, correct?)
>>bm Qxf3 M7;    1:09
>>bm b3!;        0:07

>>So Rebel9 got 8 out of 11.

>>- Ed -

>Uff - I am impressed Ed.

Well you should try CCC-II too.
CCC-II is a selection of my database where Rebel suffers for years.
Today I was surprised to see Rebel9 got 2 of them after all.
So I am very curious how other programs do.

- Ed -

>Here the results of cstal and fritz5 again:

>Fr5 P200MMX/40MB hash   CSTal k6/200
>Pos 1 - 4''                     - (prefers Bh6)
>Pos 2 - 14''                    2"
>Pos 3 - 8''                     14"
>Pos 4 - 110''                   -
>Pos 5 - >5'                     -
>Pos 6 - >5'                     - (this is a mean position Ed !)
>Pos 7 - 131''                   - (found in 9" but without mate)
>Pos 8 - >5'                     7"
>Pos 9 - >5'                     - (found in 9" but without mate)
>Pos 10- 25''                    -
>Pos 11- 5''                     -

>Hm - maybe we should stop teaching program to play chess and concentrate
>on a faster search, what do you think
>Chris  ????!! :-)

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