Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Has anyone some nice test-suites like Covax ?

Author: Ed Schröder

Date: 11:30:20 10/06/97

Go up one level in this thread

>Posted by Enrique Irazoqui on October 06, 1997 at 09:36:39:

>In Reply to: Re: Has anyone some nice test-suites like Covax ? posted by Ed
>Schröder on October 05, 1997 at 17:21:23:

>On October 05, 1997 at 17:21:23, Ed Schröder wrote:

>>>In Reply to: Re: Has anyone some nice test-suites like Covax ? posted by
>>>Enrique Irazoqui on October 05, 1997 at 10:31:28:

>>>Results with Fritz 5 on a P200MMX with 40 MB hashtables:

>>>Pos 1 -  >10'
>>>Pos 2 - 225''
>>>Pos 3 - 261''
>>>Pos 4 - >10'

>>Rebel9 PII/266 28 Mb hash:

>>Pos 1 -  2:20 (140'')
>>Pos 2 - 11:45 (705'')
>>Pos 3 -  3:25 (205'')
>>Pos 4 - Not found after 20:00
>>8/4K2p/6pr/5pk1/1pB2R2/p4PP1/8/8 w - - bm Rg4+;
>>8/2pp2pp/8/2PP1P2/1p5k/8/PP4p1/6K1 w - - bm f6;
>>7K/6p1/8/7p/8/8/R7/6k1 w - - bm Kh7;
>>8/4P3/7n/5n1K/R6N/6k1/2q5/8 w - - bm e8Q;

>>- Ed -

>Results running on a P200MMX/64, maximum time = 10 minutes:

>F5 with 40 Mb hashtables
>R9 with 60 Mb hashtables
>H6 with 63 Mb hashtables

>               Fritz 5     Rebel 9     Hiarcs 6
>Pos 1 -          >10'        >10'       >10'
>Pos 2 -          225''       >10'       >10'
>Pos 3 -          261''       >10'       >10'
>Pos 4 -          >10'        >10'       >10'

>There are some discrepancies with the results posted by Ed. He tested
>with 28Mb tables, and I tested with 60.

>Pos 1: R9 picks the right move at ply 12.22, but it fails low at ply
>14.00 and it plays another move.

>Pos 3: With 60MB hash, it doesn't pick Kh7 under 10 minutes. With 28Mb,
>it picks it at ply 17.03 (279'') but it  fails low at ply 18.00.

I tested again with 28 Mb hash on W95.
I am not in the mood yet to boot my Pc in DOS to get the 60 Mb.
Maybe later...

02:22  12.xx  0.64  Rg4+
02:23  13.00  0.93  Rg4+
06:04  14.00  0.95  Rg4+
10:00  14.xx  Rg4+

03:26  17.xx  Kh7  0.48
05:12  18.00  Kh7  0.50
10:00  19.00  Kh7

- Ed -

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