Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Shredder in the SSDF list

Author: blass uri

Date: 07:42:12 04/14/00

Go up one level in this thread

On April 14, 2000 at 09:50:19, Bertil Eklund wrote:

>On April 14, 2000 at 07:51:51, blass uri wrote:
>>On April 14, 2000 at 06:01:30, Stefan Meyer-Kahlen wrote:
>>>On April 13, 2000 at 17:21:26, blass uri wrote:
>>>>On April 13, 2000 at 13:37:13, Thorsten Czub wrote:
>>>>>On April 12, 2000 at 21:56:06, Dave Gomboc wrote:
>>>>>>I suspect that Millennium GmbH would have an extremely tough time winning in
>>>>>>court against the SSDF if they did publish results for Genuis 6.5, WChess, etc.
>>>>>>Nonetheless, it appears that they feel that bullying independent citizen groups
>>>>>>is a successful marketing strategy.  I can only shake my head.
>>>>>look : ssdf published results that are not played out on the base
>>>>>of a fair competition. the results have been influenced by the autoplayer
>>>>>millennium company has nothing against a fair competition.
>>>>>if the ssdf e.g. would (as they have done over the years with the dedicated
>>>>>test by hand, nobody would complain.
>>>>>but they use the chessbase autoplayer device.
>>>>>the results of this device differ from the device other companies use.
>>>>>therefore the results are somehow irrelevant.
>>>>>but the ssdf do nowhere print in their publications that their results
>>>>>have been "arranged" or "generated" with the
>>>>>chessbase autoplayer device which is not generally trusted by agreement
>>>>>of all programmer paricipating in the list.
>>>>>they do only publish numbers. stupid numbers.
>>>>>i see no other way for millennium company to forbid to publish those silly
>>>>>data, than threatening them. licence agreements in europe do count for swedish
>>>>>people to. you can believe me. it might be different in US, but many things
>>>>>are different in US.
>>>>>i would do exactly the same if it would be my product.
>>>>>if somebody would publish lies about my girl-friend or lies about my
>>>>>friends, he would get also similar kind of answer.
>>>>>printing lies is not a fair way of competition and not a fair way
>>>>>of an "independant organisation".
>>>>Printing games and results of games is not printing lies.
>>>>If the autoplayer of chessbase help chessbase then it is important to prove it
>>>>but I saw no proof for it.
>>>>The fact that you get different results may be because you do not use the same
>>>>hardware and is not a proof that the autoplayer of chessbase helps chessbase.
>>>>The ssdf guys tested shredder4 and sent all the games with logfiles to the
>>>>programmer and stefan found no problem with the results.
>>>>shredder4 is probably number 3 after Fritz and Junior.
>>>>Stefan has no problem with printing the games and the results of shredder4 but
>>>>the ssdf do not want to give information about shredder if they have not the
>>>>right to print information about other programs of the millenium.
>>>I didn't get any log file.
>>I apologize.
>>I believed another person about it but I guess that you know better than him.
>If I have the the time later this evening (from my home) I can send you some of
>the games with the same included log files that we have sent to Stefan.
>As I know you are the "master-checker" I guess you can find if there is anything
>dubious in the games.

It is possible that there is a misunderstanding about the meaning of the word
The important thing is if stefan could check the games and not if you sent him
the logfiles.

I am interested to see the games but I have not shredder4 so I cannot check if
there are moves that shredder4 cannot reproduce.


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