Author: Dave Gomboc
Date: 18:09:45 04/15/00
Go up one level in this thread
On April 13, 2000 at 13:37:13, Thorsten Czub wrote: >On April 12, 2000 at 21:56:06, Dave Gomboc wrote: >>I suspect that Millennium GmbH would have an extremely tough time winning in >>court against the SSDF if they did publish results for Genuis 6.5, WChess, etc. >>Nonetheless, it appears that they feel that bullying independent citizen groups >>is a successful marketing strategy. I can only shake my head. > >look : ssdf published results that are not played out on the base >of a fair competition. the results have been influenced by the autoplayer >device. As far as I can tell, the competition is fair. >millennium company has nothing against a fair competition. >if the ssdf e.g. would (as they have done over the years with the dedicated >machines) >test by hand, nobody would complain. >but they use the chessbase autoplayer device. >the results of this device differ from the device other companies use. >therefore the results are somehow irrelevant. >but the ssdf do nowhere print in their publications that their results >have been "arranged" or "generated" with the >chessbase autoplayer device which is not generally trusted by agreement >of all programmer paricipating in the list. Please list the names of chess program software developers who have programs on the SSDF list but do not trust ChessBase's autoplayer in particular. >they do only publish numbers. stupid numbers. >i see no other way for millennium company to forbid to publish those silly >data, than threatening them. licence agreements in europe do count for swedish >people to. you can believe me. it might be different in US, but many things >are different in US. > >i would do exactly the same if it would be my product. >if somebody would publish lies about my girl-friend or lies about my >friends, he would get also similar kind of answer. >printing lies is not a fair way of competition and not a fair way >of an "independant organisation". > >>Dave You've accused Chessbase's autoplayer of distorting results in the past -- even as long as two years ago -- and while you didn't post on that topic for a while, it looks like you've jumped on that bandwagon again. Why don't you reply to this message, and flat-out accuse ChessBase of writing autoplayer software that fraudulently gives programs that are distributed by them an advantage? I can only hope that they might then sue you for defamation, because then you might learn from that experience that you should be more responsible about what you say, and that you should either have actual facts to back up such a serious allegation of mispropriety or not make it in the first place. Dave
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