Author: ujecrh
Date: 17:11:57 06/29/00
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This is the first time in 7 years that I take part to a moderation thread because I am very disapointed here. Not about this particular moderation but about this rule in CCC (that I was not aware of) which forces people to identify themselves. I think I have been in CCC since 1993 (you probably can check that) and do not remember any policy about anonymous accounts at this time. During about one year I had no internet access and maybe the policy came during this period. In over 7 years I never had any problem whatsoever with anybody here and it is hard to understand that I could be banned as well (actually it might be the result of this post) only because I choosed to remain anonymous. Long before that, like many of us, I have seen numerous personal attacks to people like Mr.Hyatt on rgcc and that is one of the reasons why I choosed to remain as much anonymous as possible on internet. I did not want to allow myself any bad behaviour falsely protected behind anonymity but only to keep this kind of club friendly without personnal attacks. Why don't you guys change this policy to force people to give their true identity *only* if they behave badly. It would be a shame that true old computer chess lovers have to leave CCC because of such a policy. I am only here to talk about computer chess, to ask questions and to bring my modest contibution when I can. I do not like such discussions about people and rules and I could as well have remained silent about this and nobody would have cared but, for once, I think it was too bad to leave it. Remember Komputer Korner, I never knew his name and never care but I had numerous emails with him. Never hard, always polite and friendly, who cared about our real names. Finally, please do not raise the argument about moderators being the only ones knowing our names. Moderators change, I have seen many of them, at the end everybody knows and you end up with someone hurting you unnecessarilly. This is not paranoia. I just do not see the point of being identified unless you do anything wrong. Friendly, Ujecrh Obviously not my real name. PS: Forgive any language mistake but I am not a native english speaker.
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