Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Hans Gerber is suspended--thanks for your understanding

Author: Pete R.

Date: 19:34:40 06/29/00

Go up one level in this thread

On June 29, 2000 at 21:41:41, James B. Shearer wrote:

>         Why do you believe Hans Gerber is Rolf Tueschen and not say Chris
>Whittington?  After all unlike RT, CW is banned under his real name and has used
>fake names to post in the past.  Is RT so hard to imitate by CW (or anyone else
>for that matter)?

Well it wouldn't matter anyway if it was a clever Chris Whittington, he would
have gotten himself banned.  What "Hans" didn't know, and couldn't know, was
that I used to engage him in long discussions on r.g.c.c. under a different
name. :)) I'm a veteran of years of online debates, baiting nutballs like Rolf,
and tracking people who think they are being anonymous.  It's the sport of the
new millenium, what can I say? ;) I know him like I know the smell of garlic on
someone's breath.  There are specific ways I came to this conclusion based on
archived r.g.c.c. posts and headers, and other specifics I don't want to go into
because he may still have contacts here forwarding him posts.  Regardless of who
you believe he is, he acted exactly as predicted, including running like a
scalded cat when asked to show his cards.

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