Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Hans Gerber is suspended--thanks for your understanding

Author: Michael Cummings

Date: 07:46:33 06/30/00

Go up one level in this thread

On June 30, 2000 at 10:40:36, Michael Cummings wrote:

>On June 30, 2000 at 10:26:34, José Antônio Fabiano Mendes wrote:
>>On June 30, 2000 at 05:28:31, Michael Cummings wrote:
>>>On June 30, 2000 at 04:38:25, Jeroen van Dorp wrote:
>>>>You should download IDCIde, from; it blocks cookies (any
>>>>decent browser can do that) on different levels or completely. But more
>>>>interesting, it network tracks and groups them.
>>>>You'll be amazed to look at the tracking stats.
>>>>An example: I daily visit, an innocent cartoon of
>>>>a little boy and his tiger.
>>>>The site has some 10 trackers at a time, with the well known doubleclick and so
>>>>If you look at the sites that say doubleclick follows you over the net any
>>>>sucker could make up a profile of your interests on the net (and probably in
>>>>real life) that's over 90% accurate.
>>>>I was very well known to cookies, but until IDCide I never fully appreciated
>>>>their cleverness.
>>>>Jeroen ;-}
>>>There is a freeware program called Zone Alarm. It is capable of making you roam
>>>the net in stealth. I have logged on a few times and have had this program block
>>>communication from sites I have not been to in months
>>"This Firewall has been found to contain a serious security hole
>>that would allow a remote attacker to TCP and UDP scan the entire
>>host´s port range without detection."
>>[please see April 2000 #13 article,"Zone Alarm Firewall can be easily
>>scanned for open ports"]    JAFM
>Yes, The people from Zone Alarm actually stated this to me in an email. But this
>does not apply when you use maximum security. And in the latest update this has
>actually been fixed, Along with a few other bugs.
>The program was last updated in late May.

Just get the latest version and you will be fine

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