Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: A question about pawn hash tables

Author: Carlos del Cacho

Date: 13:56:41 09/14/00

Go up one level in this thread

On September 14, 2000 at 13:40:39, José de Jesús García Ruvalcaba wrote:

>	Can you tell us more about Pepito? I assume it is your chess engine. Any chance
>of seeing it in tournament action soon?

It's a new bitboard program approaching it's first stable version (last week I
still discovered a bug in my move generator, in a weird position but even these
show up from time to time). It's aimed to do "fine" (let's say try to) at blitz
time controls (255 WACs / 5 secs) though I have to add quite some knowledge yet
(pepito hasn't heard about pawn storming... when castled to the same sides it
draws often to gnuchess 4 and beats it rarely). When I fix some communication
problems with Xboard I'll go for its first public release, currently Linux only
(well, I've ported it with cygwin but my binary seems to be a lot slower in
windows 30-40%. Got no idea why this happens...). Anyway, I don't expect to see
Pepito in any tournament in the next month, I'll try to get it ready for the
spanish tournament (December? I'd appreciate any info).


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