Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: LCT II results K6/233 vs. Pentium 233 MMX with more hash

Author: Bruce Moreland

Date: 19:06:30 01/04/98

Go up one level in this thread

On January 04, 1998 at 20:23:18, Robert Hyatt wrote:

>thanks... going to go grab it now and see what it looks like.  What sort
>of time per move are you using so we can make this something that can be
>compared for many programs??

I run it at 20 seconds per position so it will finish in under five
hours.  I hate these time-consuming suites, but I tolerate this one
since a lot of the problems are fairly hard, so improving speed or
messing with the search can make a difference.

Sometimes "overtime" kicks in, so rather than 611 solved in < 20.000
seconds, this version really got 601.  I generally report this number,
but in this case the 611 creeped in because I wasn't trying to report a
count of solved positions, I was trying to report something else, it
didn't occur to me that I was giving a false count until after I saw
Amir's post and responded to it.

This version (375) has a huge bug in it, which causes some tactical
positions to take less time, and some to take more time, than they
should have.  This may have hurt or helped the score, I don't know.

I don't tune for individual ECM problems, but I do run it from time to
time to see if tactical zip is being maintained after I add some
positional stuff, or see if there is a noticeable improvement or
degradation after I mess with the search.


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