Author: Heiner Marxen
Date: 11:38:14 11/07/00
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On November 07, 2000 at 12:15:10, kurt wrote: >On November 07, 2000 at 11:51:51, Brian Richardson wrote: > >>Commonts from opponents (or others) welcomed... >> >>Round 1 >>Zchess v Tinker 0-1 >>Eco code is E32 Nimzo-Indian: classical variation >>Tinker in book for 33 moves !! up to 33. ... Ke7 >>then blew what should have been a draw with the blunder 39. ...Kd6?? >>which Tinker does not seem to want to play when I reproduce the position >>offline. >> >>Round 2 >>Tinker v Mint 1-0 >>Interesting game with Tinker's pawn "sacrifice" with 14. h5!? >>Tinker played most of the game with a pawn down, but was >>finally able to open up the h file at 42. Rh1 and went on to >>win. >> >>Round 3 >>Tinker v Amateur 1-0 >>Long game with extended early endgame tactical battle >>Tinker finally up a pawn with 72. Nxd4, then up another >>with 76. Nxh4, and eventually to win. >>This was Tinker's best CCT game. >> >>Round 4 >>Junior v Tinker 1-0 >>Sicilian with Tinker out of book at 14. ...b5 >>Junior still in book and after 15. b3 Tinker took >>6 minutes to play ...Rc5, which someone observed >>is a "classic tactical error". >>After a complex exchange with Junior apparently >>still in book (manually operated?) until move 27. h6 >>when Tinker was already down. >> >>Round 5 >>Tinker v Yace 0-1 >>Tinker was down a pawn right out of book, sigh... >>but with some attack possibilities and was able >>to get even again, but then was outplayed and down >>2 pawns in the endgame. A good loss. >> >>Round 6 >>Insomniac v Tinker 1-0 >>Tinker in book until move 21, during which time Tinker's >>kingside pawn cover was shredded. Then, Tinker was >>down an exchange and while Tinker held on for a while, >>Insomniac exploited the advantage well. >> >>Round 7 >>Terra v Tinker 1-0 >>Terra opened with C4, which Tinker does not usually see, >>not that it would make much difference. >>After another long exchange Tinker was down again a >>major for a minor. Terra's 2 rooks eventually mopped up >>and win. >> >>Round 8 >>Tinker v Dorky 1-0 >>Dorky forfeit >> >>Tinker only got a book about a week before the tournament. >>I still have yet to figure out what is a "good" book move, >>so Tinker was simply playing the most frequently played move each time. >> >>Also, have to reduce open A/H file penalties, and look at >>bad trade code again. >> >>Time management was also an issue and needs some more work. >> >>Overall, I think Tinker played pretty well, but the competition >>was also stronger this time than in CCT1, IMO. >> >>Tinker is about 1 year old now and started playing on ICC >>in January this year. It has been a lot of fun. >> >>Let's not wait another year for CCT3! >> >>If the other programmers would give us the same honest >>review of their performance,I belief this would greatly contribute >>to the advancement of chess theory, what you call book. >>regards,Kurt Widmann >>ps I wish you good luck for finding "good" moves. >>Can I be of any help to you? My rating in cc play 8 years ago was 2565. Please, kurt, try to understand those > signs at the left side: they introduce quoted original text. Now, when you mark your own contribution with > at the left, I cannot distinguish the original quoted part from your new contribution. Please do not mark your own new text with > at the left border. Thanks, Heiner
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