Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Shredder 5

Author: Sune Larsson

Date: 14:35:51 11/17/00

Go up one level in this thread

On November 17, 2000 at 16:43:06, Stefan Meyer-Kahlen wrote:

>On November 17, 2000 at 16:33:49, Thorsten Czub wrote:
>>On November 17, 2000 at 03:06:43, Stefan Meyer-Kahlen wrote:
>>>You?ll also get seven
>>>versions of Shredder, including ?Gambit Shredder? and ?Shredder Bean Counter?,
>>>so you can find out by yourself which paradigm is best :-) If you are not happy
>>>with the engines you are able to create your own.
>>>If you have any specific questions concerning Shredder I will try to answer them
>>Hi Stefan.
>>What do you understand under Gambit-Shredder ??
>Gambit Shredder is faster in sacrifizing pawns and pieces and faster in
>attacking the opponent's king. It is also faster finding itself in a loosing
>endgame with a material disadvantage.
>>What is Gambit-Shredder doing ? "only some fine-tuning and increasing
>>of king-attack values in evaluation" or a step into new-paradigm
>>direction (make sure that when your answer is "new-paradigm" i will not
>>this as a weapon against chessbase or bob :-))))
>It's a new paradigm :-)
>>What is bean-counter shredder doing ?!
>Counting beans, äh pawns :-)
>>>these 2 questions interest me the most.
>OK, I suggest the following:
>I will play an engine match "Shredder Bean Counter" vs. "Gambit Shredder"
>tonight and will tell you the result tomorrow, so we all now THE truth.

 Now we're talking... This would clearly be the match of the year.:)
 THE Truth will be revealed right in front of our eyes. Scores settled
 once and for all. Counting beans vs driving into the frog, /or was it
 fog?/ Almost judgments day...:)


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