Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Shredder 5

Author: pavel

Date: 07:27:49 11/18/00

Go up one level in this thread

On November 18, 2000 at 09:35:58, Uri Blass wrote:

>On November 18, 2000 at 09:10:56, pavel wrote:
>>>I am afraid that Fritz is not counting beans but wins. I have high respect of
>>>Frans damned strong program. To make it clear: It is not a bean counter to me in
>>>the sense this term is understood here.
>>    you are a rare 'specimen', all you see in this forum is one programer
>>putting down other programmer's work.
>Thorsten is the one who called Fritz bean counter and stupid program and he is
>not a programmer.
>I do not remember that Ed or Christophe said that Fritz is stupid or that Fritz
>is bean counter.

I am  not talking about thorsten here, and I know he is not a programmer.

I was talking about the fact that one programmers doesnt praise other
programmers work , not only about fritz or junior or whatever. Specially when
you are TOP rivals in this field.
few rare ocassions were when amir ban (author of junior) praised fritz.
and stefan were the other ocassion.

I didnt see author of other programs saying things of similar effect.
(mayeb I missed)

and most importantly,
I wasnt picking on anyone ;)


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