Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Shredder 5

Author: Stefan Meyer-Kahlen

Date: 14:05:09 11/18/00

Go up one level in this thread

On November 18, 2000 at 15:19:59, Georg v. Zimmermann wrote:

>On November 18, 2000 at 12:26:16, Stefan Meyer-Kahlen wrote:
>>On November 18, 2000 at 08:54:19, Georg v. Zimmermann wrote:
>>>Hi Stefan,
>>>for me it would be very interesting to hear about developing process of
>>>What tools are you using ? For me MSVC6 and VTune are sitting on my desktop.
>>MSVC6 only.
>>>After some code change, do you run test suits and self matches ? What is more
>>>important ?
>>I do not run tests suits, only to check if I have broken something in a new
>>version. I think best is to watch a game live like it is done at tournament.
>>> Do you sometimes watch the games or only look at the reults? I have
>>>read an interview with Fritz's dad he says he was wasting too much time watching
>>Yes, I have read this too, and I think he his right.
>>If I am working on Shredder and have an autoplayer match running next to me, the
>>temptation is very high to look at the games all the time and gets distracted
>>from work.
>>>When do you work best, in the morning or at night ? :)
>>Usually I do not work at nights.
>>>If you have an idea that doesn't work out, do you try different implementations
>>>or try the next idea first and maybe come back later ?
>>Yes, this happens, but there is no rule, but I would say that usually I am
>>working on one thng at a time only.
>>>Ok, one last question, this time on topic: remember my suggestion for Shredder
>>>to set itself to an "optimal" hash setting, did that work out ?
>>Sorry, please remind me.
>This was nothing fancy, just a suggestion to treat the hash setting by the user
>as maximum only.
>Then first check the true free memory (I dunno hope there is some windows api
>function ?) so that if userX has 96MB ram and usually uses only one program at a
>time and has set hash tables to 60MB his HD doesn't begin to swap when next time
>he uses Shredder with say Outlook+Word in memory as well.

In Shredder you can excatly specify the amount in hash Shredder shoul duse in
MB. I also display the free memory in that dialogue, but for reasons unknown to
me in Win 9x this value looks random sometimes. With NT it's fine.

>In a seconds step decide on how much hash to use depending on time control,
>since clearing or "making old" big hash tables between moves may hurt in very
>fast games.

In Shredder5 you can make the hash as big as possible without problems as I
never clear of mark entries in the hash after each search.


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