Computer Chess Club Archives





Author: steve blincoe

Date: 04:00:15 01/17/98

Go up one level in this thread

hi bert:you are right about the saphire 2 plastic board being
what i have done to remedy this ,was to buy a nice travel peg set(cost
now i play a great program, using a nice little set where the pieces
cant fall
out.of course at home i play on a large tournment size board.

as far as the endgames databases and stronger pc programs of course i
cant argue this,however for me at least programs playing at greater than
2400 uscf(saphire and atlanta)on a train ride to work is fine for me.
the issue of laptops is a difficult one.on a plane ride you will run out
of battery power very quickly.unless you bring with you several extra
battery paks
you wind up having your game addition when i commute to work
having a laptop on my lap is kinda uncomfortable on a crowded commuter
train.not so with a calculator style chess computer and small peg set.

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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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