Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Shredder5 patch

Author: Mogens Larsen

Date: 15:03:38 12/06/00

Go up one level in this thread

On December 06, 2000 at 16:09:14, Christian Koch wrote:

>Hi Stefan,
>the path was set right. Okay I will ask Steen. Thanks for your help.

I'm quite certain that Gandalf uses its own book under Shredder if you delete
the bookpath at match setup. There's a couple of easy tests that you can make:

1) Disable book in .res file and in Shredder. If it plays without book then
clearing the path must work. Otherwise it would use Shredder book regardless.

2) Stop game when both engines are out of book and go through the game using the
arrow keys while comparing with the Shredder "Bookmoves" window. If Gandalf
plays zero probability moves or moves not in the Shredder book then it's using
its own book. Letting Shredder use Tournament book setting is probably best for
this test.

An example:

[Event "5 Minutes/Game + 3 Seconds/Move"]
[Site "Engine Match"]
[Date "2000.12.06"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Shredder 5"]
[Black "Gandalf 4.32g Beta"]
[Result "*"]

1. d4 {book 0s} d5 {book 0s} 2. Nf3 {book 0s} Nf6 {book 0s}
3. e3 {book 0s} e6 {book 0s} 4. Bd3 {book 0s} c5 {book 0s}
5. b3 {book 0s} b6 {book 0s} 6. O-O {-0.01/10 19s} Ba6
{book 0s} 7. Bb2 {+0.06/9 12s} Bd6 {-0.32/8 26s} *

5...b6 isn't in the Shredder book.

The reason that you're having problems reproducing bookmoves with Gandalf under
WinBoard afterwards might be due to learning or information stored in the
lastpos file.

I think it's possible that a branch of the opening tree is cut off due to
learning eliminating a bookmove that would be chosen without learning, but I'm
not sure it makes sense. Try deleting learn file and lastpos before checking.


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