Author: Andrew Dados
Date: 12:49:00 12/19/00
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On December 18, 2000 at 04:14:30, Steve Maughan wrote: >You may be interested to know that Robert Lee has converted TSCP v 1.62 into >Object Pascal. You will find the code and some discussion at: > > > >This came as a result of me asking, "is VC 6 faster than Delphi 5 for Chess" in >a Delphi forum (my chess program is a Delphi app). Robert Lee interest is in >high performance Delphi code as opposed to computer chess but his results are >encouraging to those, like myself, who have written Delphi chess apps. > >Regards, > >Steve Maughan Hi, I have my program written entirely in Delphi and I always wondered how faster would same code translated to C run compiled with msvc. Recently I ported enough of it to C to do some testing and it seems that with right optimizations (like _fastcall convention) and lots of inlining msvc binary can have about 30% speedup over Delphi (that on AMD k3 450, have to try that on PIII). Delphi compiles much faster then msvc, but it lacks preprocessor, so there is no way to inline things (which probably produces most speedup). Since both Delphi and msvc are close in speed the big difference can happen when you choose wrong (slow) data representation (or code implementation). E.g. my simple material counting loop was faster in Delphi then in msvc no matter what optimization, until I changed some basic data structures (so I can cast them to int). So direct translation can be misleading. One example are nested functions - faster in Delphi, then direct translation to C, when you need to pass additional pointer to 'unnested' function. Another is 'with' pascal directive which becomes slower in msvc in some cases. -Andrew-
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