Author: Moritz Berger
Date: 13:07:15 02/12/98
Our man in Paderborn (Thorsten Czub) just called me with some (incomplete, he didn't mention some of the participants) results so far after 3 rounds: 3/3 Nimzo 2.5/3 Patzer, Chess Tiger 2/3 Clever&Smart, Comet 1/3 Zugzwang, Gandalf Today there was obviously an exciting B+R vs. R endgame in the Chess Tiger vs. PconnerS game, where Chess Tiger managed to win just 2 moves before the 50 moves rule (neither program had the necessary endgame databases, Thorsten told me they used Shredder to monitor progress in that mating sequence and got some adrenaline-kicks from the small delta between 50 rules and the remaining distance to mate). Too soon to draw any conclusions ... Hopefully the web site (a link is on the usual links page) of the tournament will be operational soon so that we also get the PGN scores ... Thorsten also asked me to convey the important message that the gang of chess nerds (aka participants) is currently occupied with feeding themselves on German "Bratwurst" at a location called "Loetlampe". He was quite embarassed to be outed as a "handy" user when I called him back in the pub; the mob was obviously about to lynch him but maybe - just maybe - there will be more news from him tomorrow - if he survives. Moritz
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