Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: ........ the envelope, please......

Author: Michael Cummings

Date: 23:09:11 03/28/01

Go up one level in this thread

On March 28, 2001 at 23:49:31, Robert Hyatt wrote:

>On March 28, 2001 at 23:44:22, Chessfun wrote:
>>On March 28, 2001 at 17:41:16, Lin Harper wrote:
>>>   I know these three are proven performers and the forum is in
>>>  good hands. Let's not make their job hard.
>>>   I have to say I did'nt vote for any of them, not out of disrespect,
>>>  but because I thought they were all offering themselves up out of
>>>  a sense of duty. I voted for Chessfun, John Merlino, and I can't
>>>  remember the last one.:)
>>That's pretty cool voting for me....let me vote....
>>darn I finished last !!...oh well there's always next time and maybe
>>I would get a few more votes if I actually participated.
>You got more than one. I didn't vote for _any_ of the three
>that were elected.  :)

I did not see Sarah's Name there when I voted, I would not have voted for her
anyway, I do not agree with women in positions of power, I get enough of that at
home :)

Now I wonder if I am being serious ???? :)

But I did vote for the three that got in and Djordje.

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