Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Double standards on CCC?

Author: Herbert Groot Jebbink

Date: 23:24:48 04/05/98

Go up one level in this thread

On April 05, 1998 at 04:04:04, Ed Schröder wrote:

>#1. CCC was created to escape from personal attacks in RGCC.

>#2. CCC was NOT created because we couldn't stand the heat of
>occasional flame wars.
>#3. No, CCC was created to escape from hate campaigns in RGCC who
>NEVER will stop, just read RGCC now.
>Bottom line, isn't it time to stop?

For me the post of Ed gives the spirit of CCC, please listen to him!

And don't buy Rebel 9, the Dos GUI is a nightmare, wait for Rebel 10
with the
windows interface.
(thats one, I have 5 posting left to give my opion about the Rebel GUI)

Greetings, Herbert

ps. And indeed, CCC does allow me to post HTML code.

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