Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Something More About Chess Challenger 7

Author: Fernando Villegas

Date: 17:21:40 04/09/98

Go up one level in this thread

On April 09, 1998 at 09:44:49, Karsten Bauermeister wrote:

>Here some more comments by me:
>The Chess Challenger 7 was the fourth computer ever made by Fidelity
>Electronics: After the first one (today called Chess Challenger 1),
>Challenger 3 and Challenger 10A and 10B. Each was named by his number of
>levels, so the CC7 has seven levels. It came out in the middle of 1979.
>The CC7 was the first chess computer of Fidelity, that has no wodden
>housing, it was fully made of plastic. There were at least two
>(slightly) different versions. One with a shining surface, and one
>version with rough surface. Also there were some minor differences in
>the programs.
>The CC7 played a little bit more agreesive than the CC10 and knewed the
>same openings (about 80 plys!).
>By the way: Ron Nelson, the programmer of the CC7, wasn't "replaced" by
>the spracklens, but he was responsible for hardware and some minor chess
>computers further on (Chess Challenger Sensory Mini I + II in 1981/82).
>Today he is busy at Excalibur Electronics, which are stil producing
>chess computers. Who is interested in them can take a look at
Hi Kartsen:
Ron Nelson was replaced nont in the sense that he was fired, but he was
not anymore the first man in the house after Spracklen arrival and was
putted to
to work in that other minor computers. By the way, do you know that Dan
Spracklen is working now in Sierra for non chessic proyects? I have
tried more than once to contact him foir an intervioew, he was part of
the legend, he still is, but to not avail...

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