Author: Steven Schwartz
Date: 19:45:20 04/13/98
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On April 13, 1998 at 22:09:35, Fernando Villegas wrote: >hi Karsten: >I remember that a "tournament" was organized in USA by the magazine >Popular mechanics between Boris and Chess Challenger 10, won by this >last one. I believe it were not more than two or three games. I can >still remember the photo or the article where a chess master opposed >both machines each other as he would do the arbiter of a box fight. >Some remembrance deserves, also, the first voice chess challenger 10, a >black machine that played the best chess ever created by Ron Nelson. >Talking of all machines, do you have or remember micro-chess by Novag? >It seem it was the cheapest and worst program created by Kittinger. >fernando I recall beginning in business right around the time of the Voice Chess Challenger (1978-1979). Our first shipment was delayed from Fidelity three months after promised and arrived ONE WEEK before Christmas. We rushed all the machines to our customers only to find that about 80% of them were defective in one way or another (cosmetically and/or electrically). What a great introduction to the world of computer chess!!! It was the first of many, many reliability disasters in the stand-alone computer chess field. I am sure that many readers here have their own horror stories about reliability problems with computer chess machines. - Steve
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