Author: Dann Corbit
Date: 20:42:55 05/28/01
Go up one level in this thread
On May 28, 2001 at 19:48:21, Mogens Larsen wrote: >On May 28, 2001 at 19:44:16, Dann Corbit wrote: > >>With 5 games, any program has a very serious chance to win, give that it is >>within 100 ELO. > >Hmm... maybe I should have added a ;-) somewhere to be on the safe side. But >I'll bite anyway. What five games are you talking about? My mistake. The programs played 8 games. I thought it was the classical swiss format where it takes only log2(entries) to complete. The log base 2 of 32 is 5. Since there were 8 games, I am not sure what format was in place. In any case, 8 games is pretty slim also. If the programs are about equal, it will take a very high number of games to find out who is really stronger. But since you asked "which 5?" I'll say the first 5 of "deep-junior/deep-fritz" Or the last 5. Take your pick.
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