Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Anonymous posting

Author: Larry S. Tamarkin

Date: 10:43:41 04/20/98

Go up one level in this thread

What's to worry about? - This is a moderated group, and there have been
very few 'iffy' post here, since I've been observing & posting.  If
someone want's to post anonymously, I say let 'em!  As you say, "Almost
all of the posters here have chosen to use their first and last names".
Since moderation is here, but slight, I see little need for this kind of
enforcement.  Most people here, in fact, who have the energy to post,
want other's to know who they are anyway!

mrslug - the inkompetent chess software addict!

On April 20, 1998 at 11:35:11, Bruce Moreland wrote:

>Almost all of the posters here have chosen to use their first and  last
>names, rather than funky internet handles.
>We have one funky case, Komputer Korner, but everyone knows this is Alan
>I see another one now, I don't know who it is.
>I don't think anonymous posting has any place here.  There shouldn't be
>any need to worry about attacks here.
>I think we should grandfather in Tomalty, taking away his K's would be
>like taking away his pants, and lord knows we don't want to do that.
>But the rest of us should stick with full names.
>What do others thing?

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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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