Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Search algorithms and effeciency

Author: Vincent Diepeveen

Date: 08:21:41 05/30/01

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On May 30, 2001 at 10:55:58, Kim Roper Jensen wrote:

>I just wondered, is there anyone that has tried to classify different search
>algorithms regarding weaknesses and strenghts ???

I'm 100% sure that all programmers with a bit stronger engine already
tried loads of different search algorithms...

Of course their problem is not the same as that of others. If a program
is good, then it's hard to get something that improves upon what you

Good examples of successive algorithms are on the one hand
  - MTD, if a program has a very conservative evaluation function
         and a pawn is worth not so much

  - PVS (sometimes also used in combination with a root window)

Very popular nowadays is nullmove using R=3 and near the leaves R=2,
whereas in past R=2 was very popular.

Best regards,

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