Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: fca posting

Author: fca

Date: 18:37:39 04/20/98

Go up one level in this thread

On April 20, 1998 at 11:35:11, Bruce Moreland wrote:

>I don't think anonymous posting has any place here.  There shouldn't be
>any need to worry about attacks here.

Wholly incorrect, Bruce. :-)

"Substance over form"; also, the message is more important than the

The instant the anonymous poster *abuses* - using that term in _any_ of
its senses - the moderator(s) must use the sanctions available.

Until then - what is the issue?

As to the point that others waste time speculating - well:

(1) Let them do it in rgcc preferably :-)
(2) They would probably speculate about something else equally
irrelevant if not about this issue :-))

The speculation re ID was entirely started by A.N.Other (who does not
post here) in rgcc.  That I have received abusive email (from one
perhaps unable to win battles of logic in the rgcc debate about
moderation) is an *excellent* reason for continuing with anonymity....

I would like Bruce to agree there is sense in what I have written....
fca 1, bruce 0 or is that too contentious?  :-)

Kind regards


PS: this is my only non-cc specific post here

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