Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Bitfields and Crafty

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 20:36:39 07/11/01

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On July 11, 2001 at 22:56:44, Artem Pyatakov wrote:

>I was checking out the way crafty does hashing today. (yes, I've probably looked
>at the way every single open-source engine does hashing today :-) )
>I noticed that each of it's HASH_ENTRY structures information is just two 64-bit
>numbers.  Then in extracts this info using statements like these:
>val=(word1r & 0377777)-65536;
>I know C allows for bitfields (fields that just take up a couple of bits), but
>does anyone know how fast these are?
>In other words, is it better to extract info from bits MYSELF (like Crafty does
>it) or let C bitfields handle this for me?
>Artem Pyatakov

Bit fields have two problems...

1.  they are slower in every implementation I tried.  One reason is that
the compiler doesn't know which bits are guaranteed to be zero and don't need
to be "scrubbed off".  There are others as well, such as defaulting to signed
on some architectures, which requires sign extension which slows them further.

2.  The ANSI standards committee did the same stupid thing with bit fields that
they did with other key issues, "this is left to the vendor's discretion..."
Ie is a char signed or unsigned by default?  Depends on the compiler.  In the
case of bit fields, do the fields start at the MSB or LSB?  Again, depends on
the compiler.

Since they are slower, and also not-so-portable if you want to transport 64
bit values across machines, I chose to "roll my own" and use and/or bitwise
operators to put things where I want them.  IE if I want to look at a compressed
move and ask "is this a promotion or a capture" I can AND everything away but
the captured piece and promotion piece fields and if the result is non-zero,
I answer "yes".  If I don't know which end the fields start on, I can't do it
the same way nor as efficiently...

They are a good idea, but with the absence of a real specification for them in
the standard, they are less useful than they might have been with more precise

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