Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: does chessbase care about wb engines

Author: CLiebert

Date: 01:13:44 07/20/01

Go up one level in this thread

Still one point:

>Do you really believe that any wb-engine can compete with tiger/fritz on the
>long run?!

I believe that the difference is so miniscule that in play or coaching 99.9999%
of the people who buy chess programs could not tell if they were playing against
crafty or fritz or chess tiger unless someone told them.  All they would know is
that the chess engine clobbers them or that the chess engine can suggest much
better moves than they can come up with by themselves.

Probably, Chess Tiger and Junior and Fritz are 100 ELO above Yace and Crafty.  I
am guessing that half of that is opening book, but maybe that is an
exaggeration.  Anyway, that difference is inconsequential to the one who
purchases the program.  I also think that crafty could be configured on a 64 CPU
machine in such a way that it would dominate any other chess engine on the
planet.  Of course, that has no commercial significance.

OK I understand your point. But would you admitt that thinking like this would
mean that every development in computerchess-engines could be canceled, because
nobody asks for the progress of a new tiger, shredder oder fritz?!
This isnĀ“t my opinion, because every progress is still faszinating. As well as
the differnce of 100-150 Elo between amateurs and profis.
Few years ago I played simultan against GM Matthias Wahls in Hamburg (ok, I lost
quite fast, not my day...) and we talked about chess and elos. I asked him what
it means if he has to play against a player who is rated 50 elo points higher
than himself. He said "50 Elopoints are world but I woud try the best"...


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