Date: 17:31:49 08/08/01
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>Well yes, but is the tree really smaller? In the endgame the program with "old >cutoffs" is sometimes faster, sometimes slower. Overall the gain is not clear. >In the middlegame there is usually no significant difference, but in some of my >testpositions the old stuff slows the program down and the output shows >instability. Too much mustard on the hotdogs perhaps ... >Of course a lot depends on the environment (eval etc.). Maybe program A benifits >from old cutoffs and program B doesn't benifit. That's always the problem. > >Martin Hi, Let me ask you some questions here. 1.What does your "old cutoffs" mean? Do you mean any old score from hashtable or only draw score? 2.How you define internal,external repetition? Teerapong
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