Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Some facts about Deep Thought / Deep Blue

Author: Peter Berger

Date: 05:25:14 08/30/01

Go up one level in this thread

On August 30, 2001 at 04:06:14, Mark Young wrote:

>>> Part of the progress has been due
>>>to incremental changes to chess engines/evaluations/etc, part has been due to
>>>the hardware speed advances.  Probably more of the latter than the former, if
>>>the truth is known...
>>I think that advances in software from Genius2 to Deep Fritz is more than 200
>>elo at tournament time control.
>I have played matches with today’s programs with the programs of 10 years ago
>for fun; mismatch is an understatement in describing the outcome for the older
>generation programs.

Another good and more uncommon test would be to do it the other way around .
Play today's programs on yesterday's hardware and compair.

A 486 DX50( or 33- don't remember) with 4MB RAM was probably hot hardware 10
years ago . I still have one in the corner of my room - and much to my surprise
it started without problems . Only mouse support has gone. But it seems there is
a functional Genius 4 for WfW 3.11 on it - and I can even give ~1 MB for
hashtables - hooray .

And fortunately I have Chess Tiger 14.1 an absolute top program of today on an
overclocked Palm Vx here which I guess should be similar speed ? I'll try some


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