Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: The Deep Thought Code

Author: Dann Corbit

Date: 15:25:23 09/07/01

Go up one level in this thread

On September 07, 2001 at 18:19:10, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
>On September 07, 2001 at 18:12:40, Joshua Lee wrote:
>>Will it compile in Cygwin?
>I dont know. Even then, it requires a 132-characters-wide
>terminal to run, which Windows doesn't offer AFAIK.
>>How can this code be switched to work in windows?
>Rewrite the terminal interaction, at least.
>>What needs to be changed to use bitboards?
>(Nearly) everything.

Besides which, it's not really intended to be used as an evaluation function
anyway.  It's intended to be used only to calculate the *weights* which will
eventually be used for an evaluation function.  To recompute their values on the
fly every time would be very expensive.

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