Author: Bruce Moreland
Date: 10:36:33 09/08/01
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On September 08, 2001 at 07:10:41, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote: [D]3k4/2p1p1p1/p1P1P1Pp/P6P/4K3/8/8/8 w - - 0 1 >Mine completes a 101 ply search here in 1.9 seconds, returning a draw by the >50-move rule. > >It actually made it through 161 plies in 3.0 seconds, but then something broke. > >I had to relax my normal 40-ply maximum for this, so perhaps I need to increase >another compile-time constant. > >Here is the PV at ply 101. > >PV 00:00:01.875 101 0 [] Kd5 Ke8 Ke5 Kd8 Kd4 Ke8 Kd5 Kd8 Ke5 Ke8 Kd4 Kd8 >Kd3 Kc8 Kc2 Kd8 Kc3 Ke8 Kb2 Kd8 Kc2 Ke8 Kc3 Kd8 Kc4 Kc8 Kb3 Kd8 Kb2 Ke8 Ka3 Kf8 >Kb4 Ke8 Kc4 Kd8 Kb3 Ke8 Ka2 Kd8 Kb1 Ke8 Kc1 Kd8 Kd2 Ke8 Ke3 Kd8 Kf3 Ke8 Kf4 Kd8 >Ke3 Kc8 Kf2 Kd8 Kg2 Ke8 Kg3 Kd8 Kf2 Ke8 Kg2 Kd8 Kh2 Ke8 Kg1 Kd8 Kf1 Ke8 Ke1 Kd8 >Kd1 Ke8 Kd2 Kd8 Kc1 Ke8 Kd1 Kd8 Ke2 Ke8 Kd3 Kd8 Ke4 Ke8 Kf3 Kd8 Kg3 Ke8 Kh2 Kd8 >Kg1 Ke8 Kf1 Kd8 Ke1 Ke8 Ke2 Kd8 > >bruce > > >>If someone has CCC indexed, they might be able to find it if they look for posts >>by me that contain "50" or "fifty". >> >>bruce > >Perl Power :) > >-- >GCP
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