Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: CCC Moderator Elections over. Results...

Author: Peter Berger

Date: 11:51:12 09/28/01

Go up one level in this thread

On September 28, 2001 at 14:38:48, Dann Corbit wrote:

>On September 28, 2001 at 14:18:55, Steven Schwartz wrote:
>>Ed Schroder, John Merino, and Uri Blass have been
>>elected the new CCC Moderators. The full results
>>may be found at:
>>You might note that Fernando lost to Uri by 1 vote which
>>leads me to wonder whether he voted:-))
>>There will be substantial communication between the outgoing
>>moderators and the incoming, and the switch in power should take place
>>within the next few days.
>>My thanks to Bob, Bruce, and Dann for a job well done!!
>>Steve (ICD/Your Move Chesas & Games)
>Congratulations to the winners and for all of those having the willing spirit to
>volunteer to serve.  An excellent new crew to be sure.

Hey Dann , I have defeated you ! Two of the three I nominated were elected  -
how is your rate :-)?

I think that's a great moderation crew again . And the usual and well-deserved
THANK YOU to the passing moderators ;-)



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