Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: CCC Moderator Elections over. Results...

Author: James Swafford

Date: 06:31:04 09/29/01

Go up one level in this thread

On September 28, 2001 at 18:32:08, Dave Gomboc wrote:

>On September 28, 2001 at 16:19:06, Dann Corbit wrote:
>>On September 28, 2001 at 16:09:49, Pete Galati wrote:
>>>I'm happy Uri made it in.  But if my memory's correct, I voted for both Uri and
>>>Fernando.  But if I hadn't voted to Uri, it would have beem a tie.  What would
>>>have happened then?
>>It's never happened before.  Maybe a runoff.
>>>Would we have had 4 moderators?
>>Wouldn't be a tragedy if that happened.
>>>If Uri resigns as moderator in mid term, does Fernando take over?
>>Happened once before.  Someone resigned, I had the 4th number of votes, and was
>>asked to fill in.
>Actually, it was Fernando who resigned, so it would be somewhat ironic if
>somebody else resigned and he filled in. :-)

I was thinking the same thing... I vaguely remember the "dirty
suicide" thread, but not what it was about.


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