Author: Poschmann
Date: 11:35:28 11/19/01
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On November 18, 2001 at 05:51:03, Rafael Andrist wrote: >According to the knnnk.tbs file, ~ 85,3% of the possible KNNN-K positions are >won. Is this enough to consider KNNN-K as a general win? Or can at least be said >that there's a high chance for a win? > >Rafael B. Andrist If you have 2 knights, you can easily put in prison the other king. Your king controls the 7.rank. One of your knight controls the c-file or the f-file. But there isnt a maneuver to mate, because the c/f-controling knight cannot give a useful check in its next move. If you have three knights, the controling knight holds its place. The mate is meanwhile given by the two other knights. The situation with bishop and knight is completely different. The bishop is controling the c/f-field. The knight gives a check to b/g and the formerly c/f-controling bishop mates on a/h. Ralf
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