Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Branching Factor = q/p ?

Author: Matthias Gemuh

Date: 10:05:59 11/23/01

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On November 23, 2001 at 11:03:07, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:

>On November 23, 2001 at 10:40:21, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>On November 23, 2001 at 09:21:26, Matthias Gemuh wrote:
>>>Hi Experts,
>>>look at this piece of code:
>>>p = 0; q = 0;
>>>int AlphaBeta(int depth, int alpha, int beta)
>>>    nLegalMoveCount = 0;
>>>    if (depth == 0) return Evaluate();
>>>    GenerateMoves();
>>>    while (MovesLeft()) {
>>>        MakeNextMove();
>>>        if (!inCheck()) {
>>>            nLegalMoveCount++; p = p + 1;
>>>            if (nLegalMoveCount == 1) q = q + 1;
>>>            val = -AlphaBeta(depth - 1, -beta, -alpha);
>>>            UnmakeMove();
>>>            if (val >= beta) return beta;
>>>            if (val > alpha) alpha = val;
>>>        }
>>>    }
>>>    return alpha;
>>>Is the ratio q/p the thing bearing the sophiscated name "Branching Factor" ?
>>>Optimal move ordering should mean q/p = 1. Do Profis come close to this?
>>>In my pogram q/p is about 1/6 or 1/7. Must I weep ?
>>Nope.  Branching factor would be total_moves_generated / total_movgen_calls
>>or some such estimate that tells you, on average, how many moves you generate
>>for a specific node.
>>Effective branching factor (much more commonly used here) is the time to
>>search iteration N+1 divided by the time to search iteration N.
>From looking at his code, what I guess he's trying to do is to measure
>move ordering efficiency (but in a wrong way).
>The most common way to do that is fail-high-first rate. How many times
>when you fail high is it on the first move?
>>90% is usually considered good enough

Right! Move ordering efficiency is my problem. In the ratio you have described,
I hit a miserable 50...70 %.


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