Author: Christophe Theron
Date: 10:45:20 12/12/01
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On December 12, 2001 at 12:10:32, Otello Gnaramori wrote: >On December 12, 2001 at 11:34:09, Christophe Theron wrote: > >> >>On the other hand there are heuristics the human players use that are of too >>high level at this time for computers. I guess the concept of planning is one of >>them. Human players are able to build on their past experience to come up in a >>given position with a set of plans that are most likely applicable. > >That kind of human expertise is called "pattern recognition" , and was >discovered by De Groot in the '50 testing human chess masters . > >It's based mainly on visual memory and I think that with an huge learning >database (expert system, probably) of the middlegames you can arrange it... > >BTW an interesting link on the research in this field is as follows : > > >w.b.r. >Otello I know the researchs you are talking about, but nothing came out of it. I mean that top level programs do not use this concept of pattern recognition at all. That's why I say that it is the kind of heuristic that only human players use. Christophe
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