Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Odyssey2001-Tournament: final round, first games

Author: Thorsten Czub

Date: 04:31:31 01/10/02

Go up one level in this thread

On January 10, 2002 at 07:13:11, Ed Schröder wrote:

>On January 10, 2002 at 05:45:04, Thorsten Czub wrote:
>>13. JUNIOR7,                   (9) - (25) CHINITO,                   0:1
>Who is Chinito?

chinito is , as said in some posts before, the latest version of eugen, but not
with the bugs that caused crashing of eugen.

we had over the whole tournament problems with eugen. the eugen 7.94 always

eugenio castillo continued in bugfixing but no version he sent me was able to
play ONE full 40/120 game. therefore i played with 7.92 which worked.

but eugen continued his project.
one day pascal tang came into the team. it seems he is a good debugger :-))
because the new version (they named it chinito instead of eugen)
is not crashing.

instead it seems to play better.

i remember pascal tang from paris.
he was the nice guy smiling in front of me when cstal was in a weaker
position against virtual chess.

so chinito is a successor of eugen.

chinito has a good score in my tournament so far.
2 from 2.

eugen was not that succesful- maybe there were many bugs in the program.
i think eugenio knows better.

what a pity that eugenio changed so late into chinito. what would have happened
if this version would have existed earlier. maybe i have to begin a new
tournament :-))

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