Author: David Rasmussen
Date: 12:46:19 01/11/02
Go up one level in this thread
On January 11, 2002 at 14:45:15, Martin Giepmans wrote: > >It depends on how you implement things. >Once a mate in 3 is found (pv of 5 ply) any longer branch cannot possibly be >a mate in 3 or less, so the engine can always stop when it finds a legal move >at ply 6 (or even at ply 4 if it is only looking for shorter mates). >If you do this (I guess you don't?) no explosion can occur in this position, >unless the engine somehow forgets the matescore (which could indicate that the >hashtable or something else that "remembers" is broken). > >Martin Sure, I could implement something like that. However, that's not the point. The point is that even without the mate existing in this position, my engine would _still_ extend the same line to 62 ply that is does now. That's what's interesting. /David
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