Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Explosion in WAC 102

Author: Dave Gomboc

Date: 20:08:16 01/11/02

Go up one level in this thread

On January 11, 2002 at 11:44:39, David Rasmussen wrote:

>[D]2Q2n2/2R4p/1p1qpp1k/8/3P3P/3B2P1/5PK1/r7 w - - 0 1
>In the above position, my search tree explodes because of extensions. It takes >
>3 minutes and 42 million nodes to finish an 8 ply search. How does your program
>Any good ideas on how to limit extensions in such a position.
>P.S. Solving the position is no problem. It is a simple mate in 5 plies, and is
>found very early on at depth 1 or 2 or so. Still, there must be something
>unsound about my extensions, or at least room for improvement, when this
>position makes the tree explode.

You may be able to shrink the amount of the search tree you have to examine to
find the problem by narrowing down the path move by move.  Try analysing from
each position that is reachable from the problem position, until you find the
successor position that exhibits the crazy extension phenomenon (even if it
doesn't quite reach 62 ply anymore :-).  Repeat this process to try to discover
the line of play that is causing the problem.  At some point your crazy
extension won't happen anymore, and hopefully seeing that position and the crazy
one before it will make what's going on clearer.  Or at the very least, you
hopefully won't have to wade through quite as large a search tree to find out
what's going bonkers.


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