Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Explosion in WAC 102

Author: Sune Fischer

Date: 03:18:47 01/12/02

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On January 11, 2002 at 14:12:58, Martin Giepmans wrote:

>>>I don't know if I understand your question.
>>>How can you reach depth 8 when a mate is found at depth 1 or 2?
>>>Doesn't your engine stop in such a case?
>>>Even if you want to look for a shorter mate, searching *deeper* is of course
>>>useless ...
>>  That's wrong. You can find a mate in 5 at depth 2, but you can't be sure there
>>isn't a shorter mate until you finish ply 9, supposed you don't do some risky
>>prunning. If you do null move, for example, you may need to search beyond that
>>to find a shorter mate.
>>  José C.
>Ah, what i meant was: searching deeper than the length of the mate-pv.
>In this case the pv is 5 ply, so depth 8 is way too much.

To be honest I'm not sure what he means either, but he must be talking about the
rest of the tree, because that branch will end at ply 5.
I can't search deeper than the first mate I find, my search simply returns with
the mate score, maybe it is somehow connected to the explosion?

>>>Anyway, if the search explodes after a mate is found, I guess there must also be
>>>something wrong with the hashtable.

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