Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Explosion in WAC 102

Author: Andrew Williams

Date: 03:29:31 01/12/02

Go up one level in this thread

On January 11, 2002 at 11:44:39, David Rasmussen wrote:

>[D]2Q2n2/2R4p/1p1qpp1k/8/3P3P/3B2P1/5PK1/r7 w - - 0 1
>In the above position, my search tree explodes because of extensions. It takes >
>3 minutes and 42 million nodes to finish an 8 ply search. How does your program
>Any good ideas on how to limit extensions in such a position.
>P.S. Solving the position is no problem. It is a simple mate in 5 plies, and is
>found very early on at depth 1 or 2 or so. Still, there must be something
>unsound about my extensions, or at least room for improvement, when this
>position makes the tree explode.

Mine keeps track of the number of extra plies each type of extension causes.
Occasionally I get a problem like yours and I use this information as a starting
point for my investigation:

 1>     5     0         6   1.f3
 1b     7     0        12   1.f4
 1=    79     0       107   1.f4
 2>    79     0       112   1.f4
 2=    79     0       159   1.f4
SCRUBBING TT: -121      [1392]  279
 3>    79     0       205   1.Qxf8 Qxf8 2.Rxh7
 3=  1684     0       405   1.Qxf8 Kh5 2.Rxh7 Kg4 3.Qxd6
 4>  1684     0       413   1.Qxf8 Kh5 2.Rxh7 Kg4 3.Qxd6
SCRUBBING TT: 1484      [+Mnear]        1884
 4=  +M03     0       798   1.Qxf8 Kh5 2.Rxh7 Kg4 3.Rg7 Kh5 4.Qh8
 5>  +M03     0       945   1.Qxf8 Kh5 2.Rxh7 Kg4 3.Qg7
 5=  +M03     0      1820   1.Qxf8 Kh5 2.Rxh7 Kg4 3.Qg7
 6>  +M03     0      1828   1.Qxf8 Kh5 2.Rxh7 Kg4 3.Qg7
 6=  +M03     0      6044   1.Qxf8 Kh5 2.Rxh7 Kg4 3.Qg7
 7>  +M03     0      6052   1.Qxf8 Kh5 2.Rxh7 Kg4 3.Qg7
 7=  +M03     0     32064   1.Qxf8 Kh5 2.Rxh7 Kg4 3.Qg7
 8>  +M03     0     32072   1.Qxf8 Kh5 2.Rxh7 Kg4 3.Qg7
 8=  +M03     1    130318   1.Qxf8 Kh5 2.Rxh7 Kg4 3.Qg7
 9>  +M03     1    130326   1.Qxf8 Kh5 2.Rxh7 Kg4 3.Qg7

NODES per second 130600

NODES: ab: 198798       q: 193138       tot: 391936

probes: 582150  hits: 101587    cutoffs: 39259  secondary: 17250        entries:
142010 replacements: 51539     too far: 47 (0%)
probes: 148%    hits: 17%       cutoffs: 38%    secondary: 16%
NULL MOVE: attempts: 51235      cutoffs: 51229 (99%)
CUTOFFS: first move: 73681      later: 14 (99%)
PAWN TT: probes: 544739 hits: 523140 (96%)
EXTENSIONS:     checks: 59228   srtc: 22608     recaptures: 684 pushes: 4
                promotes: 0     mate: 0 null: 0
DEPTHS:         main: 39        qsearch: 39
EGTB: probes: 0 hits: 0 (hit-rate: 0%)


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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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