Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: assembly--not really that fast

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 07:38:23 01/14/02

Go up one level in this thread

On January 13, 2002 at 16:27:01, Tom Kerrigan wrote:

>On January 13, 2002 at 10:22:52, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>1.  You know more about the program than the compiler.  No bounds-checking
>>on "switch" type statements is necessary.
>What bounds checking or "switch type statements" are going on in a C program if
>you don't explicitly put them in?

How are you going to do a "safe" switch without bounds checking?  The good
examples I have seen do this via a jump table rather than a dozen compare
and branches.  And a jump table is unsafe without bounds checking unless you
_know_ what the test variable will contain...

>>2.  you know whether a value can be positive, negative, or both.  The
>>compiler can't.
>Why does this matter? Just deal with 32 bits (or whatever your word size is) and
>call it good.

And when you move chars to full-word values, do you sign-extend or not?
Etc.  Can you put 4 chars in one register and get away with it or will the
sign be destroyed?  Does it even have a sign in some cases?  The compiler
can't possibly know...

>>3.  you know whether a value can exceed (say) 127 or not.  The compiler can't.
>Again, why does this matter?

Because it fits in 7 bits if it doesn't...

>>4.  You know how many registers the CPU has and can design code around that,
>>while C doesn't give you such control.
>You can change the C until it produces the assembly that you want.


>>5.  you know exactly which registers procedure "x" will destroy, so you don't
>>have to save everything before calling it.  If you are careful, you don't have
>>to save _anything_.
>The really strict calling conventions that you're thinking of here are no longer
>present in today's compilers.

Have you looked at the output from a procedure call???

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