Author: Scott Gasch
Date: 11:37:34 01/14/02
Go up one level in this thread
Here's the code if anyone is interested: Original C code: void GetAttacks(SEE_LIST *pList, POSITION *pos, COORD cSquare, unsigned int iSide) { register int x; PIECE p; COORD c; int iIndex; register COORD cBlockIndex; int iDelta; ASSERT(pList); ASSERT(pos); ASSERT(ONBOARD(cSquare)); ASSERT((WHITE == iSide) || (BLACK == iSide)); pList->iCount = 0; ASSERT(pos->iPawnCount[iSide] >= 0); ASSERT(pos->iPawnCount[iSide] <= 8); if (iSide == WHITE) { c = cSquare + 15; p = pos->pSquare[c]; if ((ONBOARD(c) && (PIECE_PIECE(p) == WHITE_PAWN))) { pList->data[0].pPiece = p; pList->data[0].cLoc = c; pList->data[0].iVal = VALUE_PAWN; pList->iCount = 1; } c = cSquare + 17; p = pos->pSquare[c]; if ((ONBOARD(c) && (PIECE_PIECE(p) == WHITE_PAWN))) { pList->data[pList->iCount].pPiece = p; pList->data[pList->iCount].cLoc = c; pList->data[pList->iCount].iVal = VALUE_PAWN; pList->iCount++; } } else { c = cSquare - 17; p = pos->pSquare[c]; if ((ONBOARD(c) && (PIECE_PIECE(p) == BLACK_PAWN))) { pList->data[0].pPiece = p; pList->data[0].cLoc = c; pList->data[0].iVal = VALUE_PAWN; pList->iCount = 1; } c = cSquare - 15; p = pos->pSquare[c]; if ((ONBOARD(c) && (PIECE_PIECE(p) == BLACK_PAWN))) { pList->data[pList->iCount].pPiece = p; pList->data[pList->iCount].cLoc = c; pList->data[pList->iCount].iVal = VALUE_PAWN; pList->iCount++; } } ASSERT(pos->iNonPawnCount[iSide] >= 1); ASSERT(pos->iNonPawnCount[iSide] <= 16); for (x = pos->iNonPawnCount[iSide] - 1; x >= 0; x--) { c = pos->cNonPawns[iSide][x]; ASSERT(KILLED != c); ASSERT(ONBOARD(c)); p = pos->pSquare[c]; ASSERT(p && !IS_PAWN(p)); ASSERT(COLOR(p) == iSide); iIndex = c - cSquare + 128; // // If there is no way for that kind of piece to get to this // square then keep looking. // if (0 == (g_VectorDeltaTable[iIndex].iVector[iSide] & (1 << (PIECE_PIECE(p) >> 1)))) { continue; } // // Knights and kings do not slide so if they can get there we do // not have to look for blockers. // if ((IS_KNIGHT(p)) || (IS_KING(p))) { pList->data[pList->iCount].pPiece = p; pList->data[pList->iCount].cLoc = c; pList->data[pList->iCount].iVal = PIECE_VALUE(p); pList->iCount++; continue; } // // Check to see if there is a piece in the path from cSquare to // c that blocks the attack. // iDelta = -g_VectorDeltaTable[iIndex].iDelta; #ifdef PARANOID if (c == cSquare) { ASSERT(iDelta == 0); } else { if (RANK(c) == RANK(cSquare)) { if (c < cSquare) { ASSERT(iDelta == -1); } else { ASSERT(iDelta == +1); } } else if (FILE(c) == FILE(cSquare)) { if (c < cSquare) { ASSERT(iDelta == -16); } else { ASSERT(iDelta == +16); } } } #endif for (cBlockIndex = cSquare + iDelta; cBlockIndex != c; cBlockIndex += iDelta) { if (!IS_EMPTY(pos->pSquare[cBlockIndex])) { goto done; } } // // Nothing in the way. // pList->data[pList->iCount].pPiece = p; pList->data[pList->iCount].cLoc = c; pList->data[pList->iCount].iVal = PIECE_VALUE(p); pList->iCount++; done: ; } } Here's my assembly version: void GetAttacks(SEE_LIST *pList, POSITION *pos, COORD cSquare, unsigned int iSide) { int x; COORD c; int iIndex; ASSERT(pList); ASSERT(pos); ASSERT(ONBOARD(cSquare)); ASSERT((WHITE == iSide) || (BLACK == iSide)); ASSERT(pos->iPawnCount[iSide] >= 0); ASSERT(pos->iPawnCount[iSide] <= 8); __asm { // pList->iCount = 0; mov ebx,dword ptr [pList] mov dword ptr [ebx],0 //side_is_white: // if (iSide == WHITE) // { cmp dword ptr [iSide],1 jne side_is_black //try_white_1: // // Test c+15 for white pawnness // // c = cSquare + 15; mov ecx,dword ptr [cSquare] add ecx,0Fh // if (!ONBOARD(c)) goto try other white pawn test ecx,88h jne try_white_2 // p = pos->pSquare[c]; mov eax,dword ptr [pos] mov edx,dword ptr [eax+ecx*4] // if ((PIECE_PIECE(p) != WHITE_PAWN)) goto try other white pawn mov eax,edx and eax,0Fh cmp eax,3 jne try_white_2 // if we get here there's a white pawn at c+17 // pList->pPiece[pList->iCount] = p; mov dword ptr [ebx+4],edx // pList->cLoc[pList->iCount] = c; mov dword ptr [ebx+8],ecx // pList->iVal[pList->iCount] = VALUE_PAWN; mov dword ptr [ebx+0Ch],64h // pList->iCount++; mov dword ptr [ebx],1 try_white_2: // // test c + 17 for white pawnness // // c = cSquare + 17; add ecx,2 // if (!ONBOARD(c)) goto done testing pawns test ecx,88h jne done_pawns // p = pos->pSquare[c]; mov eax,dword ptr [pos] mov edx,dword ptr [eax+ecx*4] // if (PIECE_PIECE(p) != WHITE_PAWN) goto done testing pawns mov eax,edx and eax,0Fh cmp eax,3 jne done_pawns // if we get here the piece at c+15 is a white pawn // pList->pPiece[pList->iCount] = p; mov eax,dword ptr [ebx] imul eax,eax,0Ch mov dword ptr [ebx+eax+4],edx // pList->cLoc[pList->iCount] = c; mov dword ptr [ebx+eax+8],ecx // pList->iVal[pList->iCount] = VALUE_PAWN; mov dword ptr [ebx+eax+0Ch],64h // pList->iCount++; mov eax,dword ptr [ebx] add eax,1 mov dword ptr [ebx],eax // goto done testing pawns jmp done_pawns side_is_black: // c = cSquare - 17; mov ecx,dword ptr [cSquare] sub ecx,11h // if (!ONBOARD(c)) goto test other black pawn test ecx,88h jne try_black_2 // p = pos->pSquare[c]; mov eax,dword ptr [pos] mov edx,dword ptr [eax+ecx*4] // if (PIECE_PIECE(p) != BLACK_PAWN) goto test other black pawn mov eax,edx and eax,0Fh cmp eax,2 jne try_black_2 // if we get here the piece at c-17 is a black pawn // pList->pPiece[pList->iCount] = p; mov dword ptr [ebx+4],edx // pList->cLoc[pList->iCount] = c; mov dword ptr [ebx+8],ecx // pList->iVal[pList->iCount] = VALUE_PAWN; mov dword ptr [ebx+0Ch],64h // pList->iCount++; mov dword ptr [ebx],1 try_black_2: // c = cSquare - 15; add ecx,2 // if (!ONBOARD(c)) goto done with pawns test ecx,88h jne done_pawns // p = pos->pSquare[c]; mov eax,dword ptr [pos] mov edx,dword ptr [eax+ecx*4] // if (PIECE_PIECE(p) != BLACK_PAWN) goto done with pawns mov eax,edx and eax,0Fh cmp eax,2 jne done_pawns // if we get here the piece at c-15 is a black pawn // pList->pPiece[pList->iCount] = p; mov eax,dword ptr [ebx] imul eax,eax,0Ch mov dword ptr [ebx+eax+4],edx // pList->cLoc[pList->iCount] = c; mov dword ptr [ebx+eax+8],ecx // pList->iVal[pList->iCount] = VALUE_PAWN; mov dword ptr [ebx+eax+0Ch],64h // pList->iCount++; mov eax,dword ptr [ebx] add eax,1 mov dword ptr [ebx],eax done_pawns: // // Do pieces now // // for (x = pos->iNonPawnCount[iSide] - 1; // x >= 0; // x--) // { mov eax,dword ptr [iSide] mov ecx,dword ptr [pos] mov ebx,dword ptr [ecx+eax*4+308h] mov dword ptr [x], ebx loop_continue: mov ebx,dword ptr [x] sub ebx,1 //loop_cond: cmp ebx,0 jl done mov dword ptr [x],ebx // c = pos->cNonPawns[iSide][x]; mov ecx,dword ptr [iSide] shl ecx,6 mov edx,dword ptr [pos] lea ecx,[edx+ecx+288h] mov ecx,dword ptr [ecx+ebx*4] mov dword ptr [c],ecx // p = pos->pSquare[c]; mov ebx,dword ptr [edx+ecx*4] // iIndex = c - cSquare + 128; sub ecx,dword ptr [cSquare] add ecx,80h mov dword ptr [iIndex],ecx // // If there is no way for that kind of piece to get to this // square then keep looking. // // if (0 == (g_VectorDeltaTable[iIndex].iVector[iSide] & // (1 << (PIECE_PIECE(p) >> 1)))) continue; mov edx,dword ptr [iSide] xor eax,eax mov al,byte ptr [edx+ecx*4+g_VectorDeltaTable] mov ecx,ebx and ecx,0Fh shr ecx,1 mov edx,1 shl edx,cl and eax,edx test eax,eax je loop_continue // // Knights and kings do not slide so if they can get there we do // not have to look for blockers. // // if ((p & 0x6) == 0x4) // { mov eax,ebx and eax,6 cmp eax,4 jne not_knight_king // pList->pPiece[pList->iCount] = p; mov edx,dword ptr [pList] mov eax,dword ptr [edx] imul eax,eax,0Ch mov dword ptr [edx+eax+4],ebx // pList->cLoc[pList->iCount] = c; mov ecx,dword ptr [c] mov dword ptr [edx+eax+8],ecx // pList->iVal[pList->iCount] = PIECE_VALUE(p); mov ecx,ebx and ecx,0Eh shl ecx,3 mov ecx,dword ptr g_PieceData[ecx] mov dword ptr [edx+eax+0Ch],ecx // pList->iCount++; mov eax,dword ptr [edx] add eax,1 mov dword ptr [edx],eax // continue; jmp loop_continue; not_knight_king: // // Check to see if there is a piece in the path from cSquare to // c that blocks the attack. // // iDelta = g_VectorDeltaTable[iIndex].iNegDelta; mov eax,dword ptr [iIndex] movsx ecx,byte ptr [eax*4+g_VectorDeltaTable+3] // cBlockIndex = cSquare + iDelta mov eax,dword ptr [cSquare] block_loop: add eax,ecx // if (cBlockIndex != c) // { cmp eax,dword ptr [c] je nothing_blocks // if (IS_EMPTY(pos->pSquare[cBlockIndex])) // { mov edx,dword ptr [pos] cmp dword ptr [edx+eax*4],0 jne loop_continue // goto cond jmp block_loop nothing_blocks: // // nothing in the way, add to the list // // pList->pPiece[pList->iCount] = p; mov eax,dword ptr [pList] mov ecx,dword ptr [eax] imul ecx,ecx,0Ch mov dword ptr [eax+ecx+4],ebx // pList->iVal[pList->iCount] = PIECE_VALUE(p); and ebx,0Eh shl ebx,3 mov ebx,dword ptr g_PieceData[ebx] mov dword ptr [eax+ecx+0Ch],ebx // pList->cLoc[pList->iCount] = c; mov ebx,dword ptr [c] mov dword ptr [eax+ecx+8],ebx // pList->iCount++; mov ecx,dword ptr [eax] add ecx,1 mov dword ptr [eax],ecx // next x jmp loop_continue } done: ; }
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