Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: assembly--not really that fast

Author: David Rasmussen

Date: 15:12:29 01/14/02

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On January 14, 2002 at 11:06:45, Christophe Theron wrote:

>Chess Tiger runs just 5% faster when compiled with MSVC6. I would say that GCC
>is doing a fairly good job...

Even if it is only 5% for your program, many have reported 30% gains, which
means that it is not doing a fairly good job. It might be all well and good for
you, but since it isn't for most purposes, I would say that it isn't a fairly
good job. I like gcc, and therefore I hope it will become better at generating
code. In the 3.x branch there are some things that could end up making the
compiler much better, but it isn't used optimally yet. The 3.1 release will be a
lot better I think.

I don't know what makes the difference from 5% to 30%. I use bitboards, so maybe
MSVC is better with 64-bit integers than gcc?


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