Author: Dann Corbit
Date: 11:20:07 01/21/02
Go up one level in this thread
On January 21, 2002 at 13:46:13, Dann Corbit wrote: >On January 21, 2002 at 13:41:25, Dann Corbit wrote: > >>On January 21, 2002 at 11:00:13, David Rasmussen wrote: >> >>>[D]8/1R5P/8/p7/2k1pK2/2p5/8/7r b - - 0 60 >>> >>>Chezzz eventually moved Rh4+, which lead to a draw. It considered c2, but >>>rejected it. What is the best move here, and can black win? The game history >>>might be important too, I don't know. Here's the game: >>> >>>[Event "ICC 60 10 u"] >>>[Site "Internet Chess Club"] >>>[Date "2002.01.20"] >>>[Round "-"] >>>[White "Sjeng"] >>>[Black "Chezzz"] >>>[Result "1/2-1/2"] >>>[ICCResult "Game drawn by mutual agreement"] >>>[WhiteElo "2492"] >>>[BlackElo "2362"] >>>[Opening "Queen's pawn: English defense"] >>>[ECO "A40"] >>>[NIC "QO.17"] >>>[Time "13:23:40"] >>>[TimeControl "3600+10"] >>> >>>1. d4 b6 2. e4 Bb7 3. f3 e6 4. Nc3 Bb4 5. Ne2 d5 6. a3 Be7 7. Nf4 dxe4 8. >>>fxe4 Nf6 9. Bb5+ c6 10. Be2 O-O 11. O-O a5 12. e5 Nd5 13. Ncxd5 exd5 14. Nh5 >>>Bc8 15. Qe1 Bh4 16. Nf6+ Qxf6 17. exf6 Bxe1 18. fxg7 Kxg7 19. Rxe1 Bf5 20. >>>c4 dxc4 21. Bxc4 Nd7 22. Bd2 Rae8 23. d5 cxd5 24. Bxd5 Nf6 25. Bc3 Kg6 26. >>>Bb3 Ne4 27. Bd4 Nc5 28. Bxc5 bxc5 29. Ba4 Rxe1+ 30. Rxe1 Rb8 31. Re2 Kf6 32. >>>Kf2 Bd3 33. Rd2 Be4 34. Ke3 Ke5 35. Bd1 f5 36. g3 c4 37. Re2 Rd8 38. Bc2 Rb8 >>>39. Ba4 h5 40. Kf2 h4 41. gxh4 Rh8 42. Bc2 Rxh4 43. Bxe4 fxe4 44. Kg3 Rh8 >>>45. h4 Kd4 46. Rd2+ Ke3 47. Rd7 Rg8+ 48. Kh3 Rb8 49. h5 Rxb2 50. h6 Rb6 51. >>>h7 Rh6+ 52. Kg4 c3 53. Kg5 Rh1 54. Rc7 Kd2 55. Rd7+ Kc1 56. Rf7 Kb2 57. Rb7+ >>>Kxa3 58. Rc7 Kb3 59. Rb7+ Kc4 60. Kf4 Rh4+ 61. Kg3 Rh6 62. Kf4 Kd5 63. Rc7 >>>Rh5 64. Kg4 Rh1 65. Rxc3 Rxh7 66. Ra3 Ra7 67. Ra4 Ke5 68. Kg3 Kf5 69. Kf2 >>>Kf4 70. Ke2 Ra6 71. Kf2 Ra7 72. Ke2 Ra6 73. Kf2 Ra8 74. Ke2 Ra7 75. Kf2 Ra8 >>>76. Ke2 Ra7 77. Kf2 Ra6 78. Ke2 Rh6 79. Rxa5 Rh2+ 80. Kd1 >>>{Game drawn by mutual agreement} >>>1/2-1/2 >>> >>>What knowledge does a program need to pick the/a winning move from this position >>>fairly quickly (besides from TB's)? >> >>Takes Pepito quite a while to find a4 (almost 3 minutes). >> >>Pepito> setboard 8/1R5P/8/p7/2k1pK2/2p5/8/7r b - - >>Pepito> go >> 5 362 91 9890 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Ke2-d2 >> 5 362 92 11794 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Ke2-d2 >> 6 329 99 41454 c2 ?? Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Ke2-d2 >> 6 330 102 49557 c2 !! >> 6 327 102 51900 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-c3 Rd7-c7 Kc3-d2 Rc7-d7 >>Kd2-e2 Rd7-c7 >> 6 327 104 58531 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-c3 Rd7-c7 Kc3-d2 Rc7-d7 >>Kd2-e2 Rd7-c7 >> 7 360 111 87456 c2 !! >> 7 333 112 91502 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-c3 Rd7-c7 Kc3-d2 Rc7-d7 >> 7 333 119 120933 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-c3 Rd7-c7 Kc3-d2 Rc7-d7 >> 8 300 175 366319 c2 ?? Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-c3 Rd7-c7 Kc3-d2 Rc7-d7 >> 8 284 221 562189 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 a3 Rc7xc3 a2 Rc3-a3 a1=B >> 8 284 238 634808 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 a3 Rc7xc3 a2 Rc3-a3 a1=B >> 9 293 285 844319 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 a3 Rc7xc3 a2 Rc3-a3 Rh1-f1 >>Kf5-g6 Rf1-g1 Kg6-f6 a1=B >> 9 293 334 1068215 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 a3 Rc7xc3 a2 Rc3-a3 Rh1-f1 >>Kf5-g6 Rf1-g1 Kg6-f6 a1=B >>10 289 433 1522123 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 Kd5-d4 Kf5-f6 e3 Rc7-d7 Kd4-e4 >>Rd7-e7 Ke4-d3 Kf6-g7 >>10 289 547 2050061 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 Kd5-d4 Kf5-f6 e3 Rc7-d7 Kd4-e4 >>Rd7-e7 Ke4-d3 Kf6-g7 >>11 265 653 2543858 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 Kd5-d4 Kf5-g6 e3 Rc7-d7 Kd4-e4 >>Rd7-e7 Ke4-d3 Re7-d7 Kd3-e2 Kg6-g7 >>11 265 854 3451594 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 Kd5-d4 Kf5-g6 e3 Rc7-d7 Kd4-e4 >>Rd7-e7 Ke4-d3 Re7-d7 Kd3-e2 Kg6-g7 >>12 291 1221 4979960 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 Kd5-d4 Kf5-g6 e3 Rc7-d7 Kd4-e4 >>Rd7-d1 Rh1-h4 Kg6-g7 Rh4-g4 Kg7-h8 >>12 291 1472 6158720 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 Kd5-d4 Kf5-g6 e3 Rc7-d7 Kd4-e4 >>Rd7-d1 Rh1-h4 Kg6-g7 Rh4-g4 Kg7-h8 >>13 271 1963 8319152 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 Kd5-d4 Kf5-g6 e3 Rc7-d7 Kd4-c4 >>Rd7-d1 Rh1-h4 Rd1-a1 Kc4-b3 Kg6-g7 >>13 271 2931 12869142 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 Kd5-d4 Kf5-g6 e3 Rc7-d7 Kd4-c4 >>Rd7-d1 Rh1-h4 Rd1-a1 Kc4-b3 Kg6-g7 >>14 257 4713 20943418 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 Kd5-d4 Kf5-g6 e3 Rc7-d7 Kd4-e4 >>Rd7-d1 Rh1xd1 h8=Q c2 Qh8-e8 Ke4-d3 Qe8-b5 Kd3-c3 Qb5-a5 Kc3 >>-b2 >>14 257 9437 42121527 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 Kd5-d4 Kf5-g6 e3 Rc7-d7 Kd4-e4 >>Rd7-d1 Rh1xd1 h8=Q c2 Qh8-e8 Ke4-d3 Qe8-b5 Kd3-c3 Qb5-a5 Kc3 >>-b2 >>15 237 12704 56324491 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Rc7xc3 Rh1xh7 Rc3-a3 Rh7-f7 Kf4-g5 >>Rf7-g7 Kg5-f4 Rg7-a7 Ra3-a1 Ra7-f7 Kf4-g4 e3 Ra1xa4 e2 Ra4-a5 K >>d5-e4 Ra5-a1 >>15 290 17508 77808102 a4 !! > >To beat you to the punch, I did this analysis without tablebase files! > >I will do a follow-up with tablebase files enabled (I assumed that the current >Chezzz does not have tablebase files). With tablebase files on, Pepito wants to play Kd3 Pepito v1.47, Copyright (C) 2000-01 Carlos del Cacho Pepito comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the FSF; see file COPYING for details. HASH_SIZE: 4194304 entries / 64.00 MB PAWN_HASH_SIZE: 131072 entries / 1.50 MB ECACHE_SIZE: 32768 entries / 0.50 MB EGTB_PATH: e:\programme\winboard\nalimov RMARGIN: -1000 USE_BOOK: yes PRI_BOOK: Found SEC_BOOK: Found PRI_BOOK_FILE: plib SEC_BOOK_FILE: slib BOOK_RANDOM: yes HASH_STORE_DEPTH: 1 Type "help" for a list of available commands. Pepito> hash 256M Pepito> post (debe ser potencia de 2): Pepito> level 40 2400 2400 Pepito> setboard 8/1R5P/8/p7/2k1pK2/2p5/8/7r b - - Pepito> xboard feature done=0 feature ping=1 setboard=1 time=1 draw=0 sigint=0 sigterm=0 reuse=1 analyze=1 myname="Pepito v1.47" variants="normal" colors=1 ics=0 name=0 d one=1 go 5 362 93 10653 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Ke2-d2 5 362 104 12391 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Ke2-d2 6 329 125 41911 c2 ?? Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Ke2-d2 6 286 147 90891 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Rc7-d7 Kd5-c6 Rd7-f7 c2 Rf7-f6 Kc6-d5 6 286 155 101150 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Rc7-d7 Kd5-c6 Rd7-f7 c2 Rf7-f6 Kc6-d5 7 285 198 140278 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 c2 Rc7xc2 Rh1xh7 Rc2-d2 Kd5-c4 Kf4-e3 Rh7-h4 7 285 293 181195 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 c2 Rc7xc2 Rh1xh7 Rc2-d2 Kd5-c4 Kf4-e3 Rh7-h4 8 284 410 304424 Kc4-d5 Rb7-c7 a4 Kf4-f5 a3 Rc7xc3 a2 Rc3-a3 a1=B 8 318 480 341481 c2 !! 8 336 568 391491 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Rh1xh7 Rc7xc2 Ke2-d3 Rc2-a2 Rh7-h5 8 336 627 428217 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Rh1xh7 Rc7xc2 Ke2-d3 Rc2-a2 Rh7-h5 9 337 836 534533 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Rh1-h4 Kf4-e5 Ke2-d1 Rc7-d7 Kd1-e1 Rd7-c7 Ke1-d2 9 337 1068 621052 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Rh1-h4 Kf4-e5 Ke2-d1 Rc7-d7 Kd1-e1 Rd7-c7 Ke1-d2 10 370 1315 780944 c2 !! 10 336 1438 839122 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Rh1-h4 Kf4-g5 10 336 2880 1195467 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Rh1-h4 Kf4-g5 11 341 3256 1449338 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Rh1-h4 Kf4-f5 Rh4xh7 Rc7xc2 Ke2-d3 Rc2-a2 Rh7-h5 Kf5-g4 Rh5-c5 Kg4-f4 11 341 4015 1863724 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Rh1-h4 Kf4-f5 Rh4xh7 Rc7xc2 Ke2-d3 Rc2-a2 Rh7-h5 Kf5-g4 Rh5-c5 Kg4-f4 12 374 5325 2830873 c2 !! 12 336 5736 3090502 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Rh1-h4 Kf4-g3 12 336 14403 6755695 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 Rh1-h4 Kf4-g3 13 369 15475 7558543 c2 !! 13 332 17334 8592400 c2 Rb7-c7 Kc4-d3 Rc7-d7 Kd3-c3 Rd7-c7 Kc3-d2 Rc7-d7 Kd2-e1 Rd7-c7 Rh1-h4 Kf4-g3 Rh4xh7 Rc7xc2 e3 Rc2-a2 Rh7-h5 Kg3- f4 13 357 38483 19200381 Kc4-d3 Rb7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 e3 Kf4-e4 Rh1-h4 Ke4-f5 Ke2-f2 Kf5-g5 e2 Rc7-f7 Kf2-g3 Rf7-e7 Rh4xh7 Re7xe2 a4 13 357 38486 19200381 Kc4-d3 Rb7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 e3 Kf4-e4 Rh1-h4 Ke4-f5 Ke2-f2 Kf5-g5 e2 Rc7-f7 Kf2-g3 Rf7-e7 Rh4xh7 Re7xe2 a4 14 390 46238 24831667 Kc4-d3 !! 14 408 53403 31075858 Kc4-d3 Rb7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 e3 Rc7xc3 Rh1-h4 Kf4-g5 Rh4xh7 Rc3-c8 Rh7-g7 Kg5-f6 Rg7-g2 Rc8-c2 Ke2-f1 Rc2-c1 Kf1-f2 Rc1-c2 e2 Kf6-e5 14 408 58112 33449131 Kc4-d3 Rb7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 e3 Rc7xc3 Rh1-h4 Kf4-g5 Rh4xh7 Rc3-c8 Rh7-g7 Kg5-f6 Rg7-g2 Rc8-c2 Ke2-f1 Rc2-c1 Kf1-f2 Rc1-c2 e2 Kf6-e5 15 412 68984 43676466 Kc4-d3 Rb7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-e7 e3 Re7xe3 Ke2-d2 Re3-e8 Rh1-h4 Kf4-f5 Rh4xh7 Re8-d8 Kd2-c1 Kf5-e5 c2 Rd8-f8 Rh7-e7 Ke5- d6 Re7-d7 Kd6-c5 Kc1-d1 15 412 84897 50366998 Kc4-d3 Rb7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-e7 e3 Re7xe3 Ke2-d2 Re3-e8 Rh1-h4 Kf4-f5 Rh4xh7 Re8-d8 Kd2-c1 Kf5-e5 c2 Rd8-f8 Rh7-e7 Ke5- d6 Re7-d7 Kd6-c5 Kc1-d1 16 445 105996 68210423 Kc4-d3 !! 16 448 122829 84820425 Kc4-d3 Rb7-d7 Kd3-e2 Rd7-c7 e3 Rc7xc3 Rh1-h4 Kf4-g5 Rh4xh7 Rc3-c6 Rh7-d7 Rc6-b6 Ke2-d2 Rb6-b2 Kd2-c1 Rb2-e2 Kc1-d1 Re2-a2 e2 Ra2-a1 Kd1-d2
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